In 2013, Beverly Knight curated a major survey exhibition of the work of Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda Sally Gabori, in conjunction with the curatorial staff at Drill Hall Gallery, Australian National University. Titled Danda ngijinda dulk, danda ngijinda malaa, danda ngad: This is my Land, this is my Sea. This is who I am: A survey exhibition of paintings by Sally Gabori, 2005 – 2012, the exhibition celebrated Gabori’s remarkable career as a painter from its beginning in 2005 to 2012. The exhibition was accompanied by a beautiful catalogue including an insightful essay by renowned art historian John McPhee.
Knight worked closely Tony Oates, in-house curator at Drill Hall Gallery, on the selection of artworks to be exhibited, the loan of work from clients and institutions, the exhibition layout and installation and the final catalogue.